Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Call to Go

{By Beth Roose}

I have been called to GO by the Master Designer of the universe. I will step out in faith and I will walk with joy the path set out for me.  When I fail to see the road or become discouraged in my own accomplishments, I will praise my God because He is perfect.  He is the embodiment of love and faithfulness.  Although I may not always be able to see the path, I know that He can.  Therefore, I will never stop pushing ahead, because I know that right beside me Jesus is guiding my every step.

As I go, I will strive to mirror my Companion in everything that I do; in the words I speak, and the words I don’t, as well as in the way that I listen.  This is not just because I am called to “Go and do likewise” or that I want to impress my Heavenly Father by the fact that I can keep up with His perfect Son, but because I LOVE Jesus with my entire being.   I look up to Him and treasure every second that He has spent with me—so much so that I want to show Him to others.  By reflecting His image, I hope that they may encounter and acknowledge this amazing God that I serve.

Moving forward in my race, I realize more and more that because I am a disciple of Christ – chosen by Him before the creation of the world—I must not only “make disciples of all nations,” but I must also help others begin their own race; teaching them about the unmatchable God that they serve, and helping them build their faith in a perfectly faithful God, so that they will not fear to step out when they are called.  Even though their faith may be small it can move mountains.

Finally, I run my race in peace.  I am not my own.  I was bought with a price that I cannot fathom.   Because of this great sacrifice, given for me, I am FREE.  By grace I now live.   Knowing that it is Jesus guiding my every step, I run my race in peace.  I now find my joy and passion in Him.  I fear nothing.  He is always by my side and I know that He will never leave me nor forsake me.  May I never forget this amazing love that has been poured out for me.

And now that I have told you all this, will you Go?  Or are you going to pause and count the costs?  But if you won’t go now, when will you go?

You have been called by the Master Designer of the universe, just as I have. So step out in faith and go somewhere.  Follow Christ’s lead and do as He does. Go and make disciples.  Most importantly go in peace, knowing that if God is for you who can come against you—and I promise you, God is definitely for you.


  1. Thanks for sharing with us Beth! There is so much truth in this post.

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